Labour-Intensive municipal projects
Implemented by AICS
This component of the action includes the implementation of municipal projects aimed at strengthening the access to basic services and income generating opportunities for host communities and Syrian refugees through labour-intensive infrastructure works. The workers assigned to each rehabilitation/public work project are selected among the most vulnerable groups, where possible including women and people with disabilities. The interventions are identified through Calls for Proposals dedicated ...
This component of the action includes the implementation of municipal projects aimed at strengthening the access to basic services and income generating opportunities for host communities and Syrian refugees through labour-intensive infrastructure works. The workers assigned to each rehabilitation/public work project are selected among the most vulnerable groups, where possible including women and people with disabilities. The interventions are identified through Calls for Proposals dedicated to the local authorities specifying the selection criteria and the priority sectors to be addressed (please check the Open Calls for Proposals). For each Call, an information session is held in order to inform the representatives of the local authorities about the objectives, sectors of intervention and submission procedures. A Steering Committee, composed by AICS, AFD, EU, MoPIC, MoMA, MoH and MoSD, selects the projects and supervises the correct implementation of the activities.
Capacity building of local authorities
Implemented by AICS
The target local authorities are involved in a cycle of seminars/workshops aiming at strengthening their capacities to enhance resilience and stabilisation processes at local level. The training focuses on operational issues such as the drafting of a Project Proposal; International procurement procedures and standards; community participation in strategic planning; management and monitoring tools etc.
“Supporting basic service delivery improvements in the psycho-social and basic health sectors in Lebanon and KRI”
Implemented by ACTED/AFD
The project led by ACTED aims to improve access to quality social services for vulnerable and marginalized populations and promote social cohesion between communities affected by the crises. The project is implemented in Lebanon in the Governorates of Akkar, North Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Nabatiyah and South Lebanon, as well as in Iraqi Kurdistan in the Dohuk Governorate.
In Lebanon, the project benefits Lebanese and refugees through several activities:
Organizational, institutional and ...
The project led by ACTED aims to improve access to quality social services for vulnerable and marginalized populations and promote social cohesion between communities affected by the crises. The project is implemented in Lebanon in the Governorates of Akkar, North Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Nabatiyah and South Lebanon, as well as in Iraqi Kurdistan in the Dohuk Governorate.
In Lebanon, the project benefits Lebanese and refugees through several activities:
- Organizational, institutional and technical capacity building for CSOs/CBOs and local institutions delivering mental health and psychosocial support services
- Support and sub-granting for community-based projects aiming at improving the delivery of health and psychological support services
- Implementation of sector-specific sub-national communities of practice (COP) including CSOs/CBOs, service providers as well as local authorities in order to share ideas, lessons learnt and best practices within the targeted sector
- Awareness campaign and workshops on mental health and psychological support including both behavioral change messaging targeting local communities and key advocacy messaging to national authorities and line ministries
- The institutions and organizations providing social services manage to better meet the needs of vulnerable populations
- The communities of practice established promote dialogue between organizations and foster social cohesion
- An awareness-raising campaign, along with national and regional workshops, improves the sharing of good practices
“Protection of the most vulnerable children affected by the Syrian crisis in Lebanon and Jordan”
Implemented by Terre des Hommes/AFD
The project led by Terre des Hommes Lausanne aims to protect boys and girls against violence, exploitation, abuse and negligence by giving them access to quality child protection services. The project is implemented in Lebanon (Beirut and Beqaa) and in Jordan (in the Governorates of Irbid, Jerash and Mafraq). It benefits Lebanese, Jordanian and syrian refugees in the countries of operation.In Lebanon, Terre des Hommes Lausanne and its implementing partner INSAN target 1450 children and 3500 ...
The project led by Terre des Hommes Lausanne aims to protect boys and girls against violence, exploitation, abuse and negligence by giving them access to quality child protection services. The project is implemented in Lebanon (Beirut and Beqaa) and in Jordan (in the Governorates of Irbid, Jerash and Mafraq). It benefits Lebanese, Jordanian and syrian refugees in the countries of operation.
In Lebanon, Terre des Hommes Lausanne and its implementing partner INSAN target 1450 children and 3500 caregivers through several activities:
- Provision of center-based and outreach PSS activities
- Informal education, remedial class, life skills and vocational training of vulnerable children and youths
- Provision of case management and referral to external service providers for children most at risk
- Set-up of caregivers support sessions
- Training and coaching to local NGO staff
- The access for children to psychosocial support and protection services will improve their well-being and their social resilience
- The child protection mechanisms will be strengthened by raising the awareness of the immediate family and community circle
- The project will contribute to reducing community tensions, by ensuring equitable access to protection services and strengthening the dialogue between communities
- The capacities of 8 Jordanian community organizations and the Lebanese NGO INSAN will be strengthened in the area of child protection